Drunk Stoned or Stupid

Looking for a hilarious and revealing party game that will tell you who your real friends are? Look no further than Drunk Stoned or Stupid! With 250 prompt cards that will challenge you to expose the most embarrassing and ridiculous traits of your friends, this game is sure to get everyone laughing and cringing at the same time. Just pick a card, read it aloud, and decide which of your pals fits the description. The person with the most cards at the end of the game loses, but everyone’s a winner when you’re having this much fun!

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Any fan of puzzles will love Roller Coaster challenge. With forty challenging cards Roller Coaster challenge will have kids ages 6+ developing critical…

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Add a little humor to just about anything with these giant googly eyes. Boring toilet? put them on the top for a laugh daily.…

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