We hope our list of must have PC gaming accessories has gotten you off on the right direction. If you need more gift ideas check out our list of gifts for gamers.

What accessories do I need for PC gaming?
When trying to decide how to improve your PC gaming space, it helps to think about what kind of a gamer you are.
If you’ve ever played a game and wished that there was a simpler or faster way to perform an in-game task, then odds are that someone out there offers an affordable solution!
All you have to do is find it.
Integrating the perfect gaming accessories into your setup will add enormously to the enjoyment of your playtime, and once you’ve found what works best for you, you’re never, ever going to want to go back.
Why buy a PC gaming mouse/keyboard/accessory?
Since pretty much the beginning, the mouse and keyboard have been the primary controls for PCs, and while most computer games are designed with these inputs in mind, there are times when it’s hard to shake the feeling that something could be done to make it feel a little more comfortable. After all, despite its mighty gaming potential, the PC is first and foremost a tool, not a toy, which is why even computers marketed towards gamers are still designed with productivity in mind.
As such, your setup may need just a little bit of tweaking and configuration before it feels like the most natural way to play games.
This is why gaming-specific accessories are so useful.
A mouse designed for gameplay will more than likely feature additional buttons that make it easier to quickly issue commands, or a keyboard might feature an ergonomic design more conducive to moving an avatar than for typing. Those are just a couple examples of the ways that you can improve a game session with the right accessory, and while these kinds of features might not be strictly necessary for normal computer use, they can be a huge benefit for gaming, providing the comfort to keep players immersed in their single-player story, or the competitive edge that means the difference between victory and defeat in multiplayer.
Why is Gaming on a PC better?
Choice, graphics, and performance.
A gamer is a gamer, no matter what platform they use, and the importance of consoles in bringing gaming into the mainstream cannot be ignored, but there is a reason why PC gaming is thriving like never before.
Because a PC can be so easily upgraded and accessorized, computers are totally free from the hardware limitations that consoles inevitably run up against in the years following their launch, and on a PC, the same games can be made to look better and run significantly faster than their console versions.
Not only that, but there are also many more options for control. For laid-back, couch-style gaming, it’s generally possible to use controllers from the last two console generations on your computer, but most PC gamers swear by the classic mouse and keyboard combo, and with good reason.
The number of available keys on your keyboard means that you can do things in a single key-press that sometimes involves multiple steps in a console game, and if we’re just talking about shear precision, there isn’t a gamepad in the world that can hold a candle to a mouse. With more robust options for customization, you can optimize your control schemes to practically sing in harmony with your abilities, because on PC, the physical limits on your skills no longer apply.
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