Strong Portable Door Lock

Hotel rooms and dorm rooms come with only a knob lock! Not cool!

Certain rental properties lack doors with deadbolts as well!

That just screams to would-be intruders —“ Hey! You’re not getting in here unless you use the ole credit card trick! “

It’s scary as hell! That’s why you need Easylock! This safe locking device slides right into the door space, and bam! —instant dead bold protection!

Don’t risk your safety or become just another victim —or dare I say a statistic! Have a plan. Buy an Easylock!

Seriously, don’t learn the the hard way! People –especially travelers and students –get broken into all the time and valuable items get stolen! Make sure your children, and your belongings are safe!

Easylock is an extremely lightweight and ridiculously strong portable lock. No one will muscle their way into your hotel room, or anywhere else!

Why Easylock is an awesome home safety and protection tool —

  • Its core components are crafted from stainless steel
  • Takes only seconds to install —no skills or tools needed!
  • You can remove it in no time!
  • Gives peace of mind to parents, travelers, and renters!
  • Stops shady hotel workers from creeping into your room
  • Small and easy to carry!
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