Average Day Watch

Sleep, work, meeting, work, travel, socialize, eat, tv, sleep repeat. Admit it life is the same every single day, so why not represent it with the average day wristwatch. A great conversation piece for anyone’s wrist, it’s also a  great way of reminding you when to stop watching tv and actually get some sleep on your average day.

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Who would want to tell time when you could watch ants build their colony! With a year supply of ants this ant filled…

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Apple finally announced more about their Apple Watch. Get notifications, order ubers, track your steps, answer phone calls, and more all on your…


When you’re at the club it’s important to be quick on the draw with a lighter. Well now you can have it on…

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With over 50 states available these wine cork holders are the perfect way to rep your state. Whether you love Napa wine or…

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Everyone’s favorite fruit is now an incredible candle. These delicious and hilarious candles will burn for about 5 hours and come in a…

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For the formal gamer, this stylish silk Mario tie features crisp, clean pixel art based on the sprite from Super Mario World. It’s…

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Watch our coastline disappear on this temperature sensitive mug. The global warming mug is perfect for a scientist who enjoys a cup of warm coffee in the morning.

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Sick of 3D movies? Luckily they make these actually working 2D glasses for when you want a flat view for your movie watching…

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