Star Wars R2D2 USB Cufflinks

If you have been searching for that perfect geek chic accessory, look no further! These Star Wars R2D2 4GB USB Flash Drive Cufflinks are the perfect combination of sleek, stylish, and nerdy, all while providing the convenience of 4GB of space at your fingertips. Each set of cufflinks comes with a Limited Edition Collectors storage box not only ensuring that the Force will always be with you, but it will be stylish to boot.

These cufflinks will last you through many wears with rhodium plating both in the base and the enamel. At just 3/4“ by 1/2 “ they are small enough to keep you comfortable, but amazing enough to make a big impression. Another stellar feature is their functionality and ease of use. Once the cufflinks are attached, you can easily remove the flash drive head and connect it to your USB device. Each cufflink has 2GBs of space in it, which makes keeping your documents organized hassle free and convenient. Keeping these little R2D2’s at hand will guarantee that you always have that important paper, project or presentation with you. These cufflinks demonstrate the latest in functional fashion and make a great gift for yourself or that Star Wars fan in your life.

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