Animal Crossing Gifts

9 Products

Animal Crossing: New Horizons quickly became the number one game in the world, to the delight of longtime fans and newcomers to the series! We’ve assembled a list of great Animal Crossing gift ideas that will help you spice up real life while you build your virtual home.

3. Animal Crossing Gyroid Planter

These cute 3D printed Gyroid planters will add a touch of nerdy to any Animal Crossing fan’s home. Plus they come in a 2″ and 4″ tall version to bring your suculents to life.

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4. Animal Crossing Isabelle Hat

Plant some positivity on your dome with this wholesome headgear! Featuring the fan-favorite Shih Tzu, this officially licensed hat made of 100% cotton fibers also has an adjustable back, which makes it both comfortable and practical. You can keep the sun out of your eyes while exuding a helpful and happy vibe, which is exactly how Isabelle would want it.

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5. Personalized Animal Crossing Mug

Animal Crossing understands the comforting nature of a routine, and as far as routines go, it’s hard to beat that first, fresh cup of coffee every morning. With this special customizable mug, you can commemorate your town in Animal Crossing: New Horizons in real life by having its name and founding date printed right on the side! Now you can always keep a reminder of the home you built and…

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6. Animal Crossing Bell Bag

Share the wealth with an Animal Crossing lover with this adorable Bell Bag! They don’t grow on trees, though: they’re made to order, with a soft, minky outside, and your choice of either an orange or yellow interior lining. These authentic-looking pouches make for a charming, useful gift -or gift wrapper- for fans of any age. You won’t find a cuter way to store your dice, carry your essentials, or…

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7. Animal Crossing Leaf Earrings

These handmade sterling silver earrings, modeled after Animal Crossing’s distinctive leaf design, are recognizable to gamers while being tasteful enough to be admired by anyone. Their high quality and elegant simplicity make them an ideal jewelry choice for fans who want to accessorize their real self whenever they’re away from their virtual islands- assuming they’ll ever want to take a break!

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8. Animal Crossing Lanyard

This convenient and warmly colored lanyard, decorated with Animal Crossing’s memorable and diverse cast of villagers, is sure to bring a smile to the faces of friends and coworkers in-the-know. After all, what are neighbors for if not to brighten your day-to-day? Apart from lending a cup of sugar, or course.

It’s plenty useful for keeping track of your keys, your USB sticks, or anything else you can clip to it. As a matter of fact, just about the only thing, it can’t stop you from losing track of is all the time you’ll spend building your island in New Horizon!

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9. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

One of the biggest games for Nintendo Switch in 2020 is here! Animal Crossing New Horizons is sure to be on any Switch gamer’s must-have list. Create your own virtual island full of unique creatures in this “sim” style game.

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We hope you enjoyed our collection of Animal Crossing gifts. Any AC superfan will love getting any of these items as gifts. Also if you’re running out of time you can also send someone a present in Animal Crossing using the built-in mail system.

Looking for more gift ideas? check out our collection of Nintendo Switch gift ideas as well.

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Animal Crossing Gifts // Awesome Stuff to Buy