If watching the game and knocking back some brews is you, then this bottle opener TV remote is absolutely necessary for you.
Ripple Bottle Opener
Open bottles with timeless style using the Ripple Bottle Opener. Crafted from 5/8″ brass, its wave-like profile not only looks stunning but provides…
Green Army Man Bottle Opener
Need a little assistance with that bottle in your hand? Crack open a cold one with military precision using this nifty little beer…
Axe Bottle Opener
Pop open a beer with this cool bottle opener designed to look like an axe. Whether you drink soda or beers this axe…
Hook and Ring Game Wall-Mounted Bottle Opener
If your house is the life of the party in the summer this wall-mounted hook and ring game with bottle opener will be…
Magnetic Bottle Opener with Hoop Cap Catcher
Dunk on your friends using a brew with this magnetic bottle opener with built-in hoop cap catcher. Plus it has a powerful magnet to…
Magnetic Bottle Opener
Confidence is sexy. And convenience is priceless. You get both with our sleek, magnetized bottle opener. No more bending over like a dork…
Bottle Opener Fidget Spinner
Finally a way to fidget and drink a few brews. This fidget spinner bottle opener will be able to crack beers on the…
Micro Bottle Opener
Feast your eyes on the smallest bottle opener known to man! But damn if it doesn’t do a great job! This PiCO…
One Handed Bottle Opener
If you are trying to double fist a beer there really is no time to put one down and use two hands to…
Hockey Puck Bottle Opener
The thought on everyone’s mind while playing hockey is, hey why isn’t this hockey puck a bottle opener? well finally there is a…
Minecraft Pickaxe Bottle Opener
Screw diamond ore when you could be tapping into a cold brew with this Minecraft pickaxe that also works as a bottle opener.…
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bottle Opener
Get in hyper-drunk mode with this Millennium Falcon Bottle Opener. It’s no piece of junk either, it includes magnet on back to stick to your…
Mexican Wrestler Bottle Opener
Open your next beer with a head lock with this Luchador bottle opener. No need to dress up with this mexican wrestler bottle opener…
Urban Map Glass
Add an urban touch to your cocktail hour with these urban map glasses. With over 15 different cities these whiskey glasses will have…
Slim Engagement Ring Case
After finding the right girl, picking the ring, and choosing a location, one of the difficulties of getting engaged is carrying a bulky…
Dog Business Ties
If you’re taking the dog to the office you might as well make sure he looks dashing. With these business ties for dogs…
Transparent Practice Padlock
This transparent padlock is perfect for learning how a padlock functions. Best of all if you have a lock pick it’ll help you…
Serenity Now! Button
Feeling angry? Frustrated? Serenity now! Let the iconic Frank Costanza bring you some calm with this easy-to-use button. Just press it and listen…
Tide Pod Bath Bombs
You know how great Tide Pods are at cleaning your clothes (and maybe even breath)! Well now you can get squeaky clean and…
Croc Candles
Light up your pad with the ultimate blend of cozy and quirky! These candles, shaped like everyone’s favorite love-to-hate comfy shoes, add a…
Pillow Rick
Add some interdimensional madness to your bedtime routine with Pillow Rick. This hand-sewn, fluffy, and cuddly pillow is designed to be your new…
Grizzly Bear Underwear
Show women you’re a force to be reckoned with wearing these fierce grizzly bear underwear. Next time you get pantsed at school you…
Star Wars Bubble Saber
Make your Padawan’s Star Wars themed party an unforgettable one by giving all the kids their very own bubble saber! The pdf contains…