Countdown to Retirement Timer

Retirement is everyone’s dream, now you can keep track of every second with this retirement countdown timer. This especially great for a new job and all of your new coworkers will find this hilarious.

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Who doesn’t want a little shine in their breakfast. Well now it’s possible with this unique glittering maple syrup. The syrup is made…

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Super-criminals have taken over your neighborhood, and you forgot your utility belt! Fortunately, these stainless steel Batarangs have got your back! They come…

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Want to be your son or daughter’s hero? Throw this on their outlets and I promise you they will **** their pants. Dad…

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Captivate onlookers with the endlessly fascinating Kinetic Spring Toy! This captivating plaything is part kinetic sculpture, part toy, and a whole lot of…

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Prank your friends, coworkers, or even strangers with these stacks of fake $100 bills. Why actually earn a pile of money when you…

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