Glowing Snow

A wild and fascinating package of grow it yourself and glow it yourself snow! Kids will stare in awe and curiosity and I don’t think it stops at the kids. Easy enough for anyone to do and it is reusable! Watch it expand and glow!

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Who doesn’t love rainbow sprinkles! If it’s your birthday or just a Monday it’s hard to hate colorful sprinkles. This rainbow sprinkles candle…

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GOODNESS GRACIOUS.. GUMBALLS of FIRE!! These aren’t your mama’s Mentos… They’re a new breed of candy you can’t pass up! Seriously..heat never tasted so…

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The art of the practical joke is, sadly, one not practiced nearly enough. Prank your friends, neighbors, and enemies with this decoy alligator…

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Why eat out of a bowl you have to clean afterwards? Be resourceful and economic by eating the bowl your food is served…

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Say hello to your new fuzzy friends, the Gnome Planters! Standing at a cute 5-6 inches, these little guys come in stylish shades…

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Add a bit of rustic charm to your living room or even office with this industrial looking Edison lamp. This distinct looking lamp…

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Enjoy taking photos underwater with this camera diving mask. Great for snapping shots in the pool or if you’re in the Caribbean. Maybe…

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