There is no better way to introduce your 8-year-old to electronics than buying him a toy that does exactly that. Curious, right? Well, don’t worry, this toy has nothing to do with soldering irons or other dangerous types of equipment. Instead, the kit contains components that can be put together to make a functioning electronic circuit. Also in this kit, your boy will contend with 101 DIY projects that will keep him busy for long hours. He’ll also learn the basics of radio and television circuit boards by replicating them in a fun way.
Piper Computer Kit
This one is for young programmers and computer enthusiasts. The Piper computer Kit allows you to build your own computer and learn some…
Spikeball 3 Ball Kit
Spikeball is a fun and highly competitive game, and I bet that your boy will love to have a kit of his own.…
Osmo Genius Kit for iPad
Osmo iPad for Kids or Genius kit as it is commonly known among kids makes a fantastic gift for kids. This ultra-modern toy…
Lego Creator Space Shuttle Explorer
Lego as we already know is fun for kids. But when you add the mystery of space to it, then things could get…
Solar Rover Kit
This is another kit designed to introduce eight-year-olds to the world of science, but in this case, we are talking about solar technology.…
Scientific Explorer Disgusting Science Kit
Ewwww… You hear this a lot from 8-year-olds when they are disgusted or irritated. Prepare to hear it again and again from your…
Tasty: The Cookbook
Everyone loves Buzzfeed’s Tasty videos, well now you can have it in cookbook form! This book is especially awesome since you can pick…
Gerber 7-in-1 Shard Keychain Tool
If you always need a flat head screwdriver, or even a pry bar the Gerber Shard will make a great addition to your…
Melted Face Planter
Add a splash of surrealism to your green spaces with the Melted Face Planter. Each planter, measuring a compact four inches wide by…
DualShock 4 Controller
Ah, the DualShock 4. PS4 owners hardly need to be convinced of what this fourth generation DualShock controller offers. With over 20 years…
Finger Protecting Knife Cleaner
Clean cutlery easily with this nifty kitchen gadget that will help you clean your knives without worrying about touching the blade. This tool’s…
Bonny Boy Liquor Dispenser
Piss away your liquor with this cheeky liquor dispenser. No matter if it’s whiskey, vodka, or gin it’ll hold all of your favorite…
Star Trek Bluetooth Communicator
Beam me up, Scotty! What, nobody ever said that on the show? Well, nothing is stopping you! This authentically modeled communicator pairs to…
Mystical Wireless Charging Pad
Charge your iPhone in the most mystical way with this magic array wireless charger. As you lay your phone on this wireless charger…
Legend of Zelda Foam Hylian Shield
Whether you’re knocking back Deku nuts or protecting your head from volcanic rock, you can’t beat the craftsmanship and durability of the Hylian…
Remote Control Centipede
Sneak up and frighten your friends with this remote control centipede. At over 15 inches long this centipede is a force to be reckoned with. It’s…