Verified Stickers

Verify anything for $8 with dbrand’s new special edition verification kit. This sticker pack is sure to get a laugh from anyone who loves social media. Slap one on your bike, book, or car for instant verification!

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Avast, ye landlubbers! Show off your love for the high seas and one of the most memorable Seinfeld episodes with the puffy shirt…

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Add some interdimensional madness to your bedtime routine with Pillow Rick. This hand-sewn, fluffy, and cuddly pillow is designed to be your new…

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Say hello to the furr-ocious window Catio – the purrfect solution for giving your indoor kitty a taste of the great outdoors. No…

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Sneak up and frighten your friends with this remote control centipede. At over 15 inches long this centipede is a force to be reckoned with. It’s…

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Kodiak Cakes are famous for their pancake mix, well now they’ve expanded to protein packed brownies. These microwavable cups just need a little…

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