Under Water Headphones

Midway through summer and you still don’t have a way to jam out during long swim sessions? You’re making a grave mistake, friend. Jam out while being an aquatic badass with these Under Water Headphones. Perfect for any swimmer or frequenter of the water. When you run you listen to music, so why should working out in the pool be any different?

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Who doesn’t remember Rusty Shackleford’s pocket sand from King of the Hill. Dale Gribble always had tricks up his sleeve and his protection from assaulters…

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Add a bit of wine flavor to just about any dish with these wine-infused salts. With Chardonnay, Rose, and Pinot Noir hints these…

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Let’s face it everyone loves waffles for breakfast. Why not start your morning off right with a soap shaped like waffle. It’s not…

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Leaf notes everywhere you go for a nature feel cover a wall in your house with these cute little leaf sticky notes. Maybe…

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Take your collection of animal skulls and bottled terrors to the next level with this real human rib. Not only is it actually…

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Foodie? outdoor lover? or just a lover of miniature things? This tiny knife set is sure to turn heads. From the kitchen to…

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