Passive Aggressive Notes

Why would you express yourself face to face when you can leave someone a passive aggressive note! With checkboxes like “Learning hot to park your car” and “Improve your hygiene” anyone being given one of your passive aggressive notes is sure to get the message.

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If your cat spends any time out in the wild it’s time to level them up with this cat battle armor. Your cat will…

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Every day calls for a celebration! Announce yourself in champion style with these Pennant Sticky Notes. Old square notes? NO THANKS. What is…

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GOODNESS GRACIOUS.. GUMBALLS of FIRE!! These aren’t your mama’s Mentos… They’re a new breed of candy you can’t pass up! Seriously..heat never tasted so…

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This practical little gadget, which has received a lot of good publicity over the past few months, is the perfect desktop accessory. Do…

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