Donald Trump Chia Pet

What? You think growing beautiful locks of hair happens overnight?

It takes time, patience, the right amount of water and nutrients, and a dose of sun.

“This is the best Chia Pet ever made. Only the finest product representing the finest individual. Believe me, I know Chia Pets and this one is really top of the line. There are other Chia pets, you know Hillary, Obama; you could get those Chia Pets, but I don’t recommend it. No. You know Europe has Chia Pets and believe me, if you were to ask them, and I have, I have asked around, they would agree that the Donald Trump Chia Pet really is a cut above. The hair just grows so full, so green and robust, it is really something special.” -Donald Trump Chia Pet


A wonderful gag gift for either side of the political spectrum.


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