Who doesn’t remember the classic toy Stretch Armstrong, well now you can stretch the truth with Trump! The 45th president can stretch over 4 feet and has his classic orange complexion making it a hilarious gag gift.
Trump Suspended Twitter Mug
A U.S. President getting banned from Twitter sure isn’t something you see every day. Well now, you can see it every day, first…
World’s Smallest Stretch Armstrong
Tear apart a super tiny stretch Armstrong. You’ll have a blast pulling him in all directions, it’d even make a fun stress relief…
Donald Trump Pool Float
This is truly a great float. Really terrific. The BEST. Other inflatable floats? Terrible. Total disasters. You can ask anyone. They all agree.…
Donald Trump Birthday Card
Nobody gives better birthday wishes than Donald Trump, really terric and everyone agrees. Whether you’re a fan of Trump or not this hilarious…
The Beautiful Poetry Of Donald Trump Book
Experience the sensitive side of the stable genius Donald Trump. In “The Beautiful Poetry Of Donald Trump Book” you’ll be swooned with quotes…
Donald Trump Toilet Brush
No fake news here! This toilet brush and holder set is a great talking point and a hilarious gift idea.
I Miss Drugs Coffee Mug
“Drugs are bad..ummmkay?” Oh, shut it Mr. Garrison, and have a friggin’ cup of coffee. :P While the quirky teacher from South Park…
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Life is hard and full of sh*t to worry about. We could spend all day and night gnawing our fingertips off. Right? Before…
President Flip Flops
Who isn’t familiar with president Trump’s twitter account at this point. With over 35,000 tweets Donald Trump has flip flopped on a few…
Donald Trump Chia Pet
What? You think growing beautiful locks of hair happens overnight? It takes time, patience, the right amount of water and nutrients, and a…
Donald Trump Toilet Paper
I know what you’re thinking “this isn’t funny, that’s our next president!” but you can’t resist taking a dump with Trump. Fully made in…
Trump “I’m Huuuuge” Condoms
Let’s face it who doesn’t want to make a statement in the bedroom, or heck even as a pick up line. These Donald…
GTRacing Gaming Chair
With it’s sturdy, lightweight design, this snazzy polyurethane surfaced swivel chair takes care of the most important part of any gaming setup: your…
Moss Wall Clock
Add a touch of nature to your living space with the Moss Wall Clock. This unique timepiece features a moss-covered face that adds…
Cookie Shot Glass Pan
Step up your dessert game with cookie shot glasses! This pan makes it easy to bake 6 cookies shot glasses a time. Adding…
USB Hub Paper Towel Speaker Tower
Amp up your high tech kitchen even more with this combination bluetooth speaker and USB hub paper tower holder. Not only will this…
Personalized Game Character Art
Life is the ultimate role-playing game, so let’s take a look at your stats! These high quality framed pixel-art pictures let you show…
Beard Beer Koozie
What man wouldn’t love a beer manly wrapped around their can of PBR. Perfect for the summer picnics this beard beer koozie will…
Krusty Krab Lunchbox
No matter if it’s for work or school fans of Spongebob will love pulling a crabby patty our of this Krusty Krab lunchbox.…
Smash-to-Open Gift Card Holder
Every guy will love smashing this gift card out of its concrete block. The digital gift card inside is good for multiple places…
Screen Holder Shower Curtain
Completely addicted to your phone? Never miss a notification with this shower curtain that will hold your a few iPads and even your…
Cookie Monster Coffee Mug
Who isn’t a fan of everyone’s favorite cookie loving beast from Sesame Street. You’re sure to enjoy milk and cookies with this Cookie Monster…